Easy eco-swaps 24/7

We have been hearing so much about climate change recently and it isn't looking good.

Global emissions of carbon dioxide are continuing to grow, global temperatures continue to increase, the ice in Antarctica and Greenland is melting at record speed, sea levels are rising. In 2021 alone, over 11,000,000 tonnes of carbon have been emitted into the atmosphere. Each year, plastic packaging waste generation in the UK amounts to approximately 2.2 million metric tons.

The waste that is generated in UK households is enormous and there are small simple swaps that each person can do throughout the day. Lets start at 7am (or whenever you wake up!)


Brushing your teeth- Switch to an eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush

Breakfast- Buy granola or bread from a zero-waste supermarket/shop to remove packaging waste

Morning shower- Buy shampoo and conditioner bars and use soap as a swap for shower gel


Tea- Swap your tea bags for reusable cotton tea bags and fill with loose leaf tea

Shopping- If you love shopping for clothes, head to vintage and charity shops


Lunch- Consider a plant based diet either full-time or try cutting out meat and fish for a few days out of the week, to ease into the changes. Wrap up your food with our eco-food waste bags here.

Walk with the dog- If you head out for a walk with your dog in the park, make sure to use compostable dog waste bags, a great alternative to the single-use bags


Dinner- Try to use seasonal ingredients, look at this great guide to see what is in season when

Cleaning up- Try to not use kitchen roll, or swap to reusable kitchen roll, it's amazing! Also try making your own cleaning products. Mix together 4tbsp white vinegar, 4tbsp bicarbonate of soda, a squeeze of liquid soap and 500ml of water. Keep them in a spray bottle and keep reusing!


Getting ready for bed- Use a good old fashioned cloth to wash your face or reusable cotton pads.

Check out our eco-friendly, compostable products below:

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